How to Improve Gut Health for Diabetics

gut health and diabetes

How to Improve Gut Health for Diabetics

gut health and diabetes

Researchers have studied the interaction between gut health and the role it plays in the development of diabetes. Ten types of bacteria were discovered to be associated with lowering fluctuating blood sugar levels.

So, it makes sense to increase the number of these bacteria to influence sugar levels in diabetic patients.

In this post, we will highlight how gut health affects diabetic symptoms.

Is diabetes related to gut health?

The simple answer is yes. Diabetes is the leading cause of gastroparesis, a condition in which food remains in the stomach for too long. It is also responsible for a host of other diseases, such as diabetic enteropathy, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, nerve issues in the esophagus, cirrhosis of the liver (scarring of the liver), and hepatitis C (Infection of the liver).

Let’s discuss how diabetes can cause some of these diseases:


The vagus nerve is a major nerve in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), and it signals the muscles to push food from the stomach to the small intestine. Diabetes is known to damage nerves due to the excess sugar content in the body. When this nerve is damaged, the food you eat slows down or stops moving on its way to the small intestine. This condition is known as gastroparesis, and it is more common in women than in men. Some symptoms of this condition include feeling full after a few bites of food, bloating or discomfort after a meal, upper stomach ache, and nausea.

Diabetic Enteropathy

Enteropathy is a disease of the intestine, and it can be a follow-up to gastroparesis. If you’ve had diabetes for a long time, you’re likely to have issues with your small intestine, colon, or rectum. A slowing down of food processing in the body leads to constipation and can be a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria. This can lead to diarrhea, a common symptom of enteropathy. Diabetic enteropathy might also be characterized by stool leaking from your rectum or an inability to control bowel movements, which will get worse after you eat. 

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

You are at risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease if you have diabetes. This condition is characterized by a buildup of fatty tissues around the liver and can be similar to liver damage in people given to alcoholism. This condition makes it harder to control diabetes as the liver is responsible for processing insulin. Many patients with this condition do not have direct symptoms but experience tiredness or notice tenderness in the right upper side of the stomach.

How to know if I have an unhealthy gut 

When your gut functions properly, your body can metabolize food and provide you with energy from the foods you eat, boosting your mood and protecting you from diseases.

An unhealthy gut is marked by a number of signs like:


If you experience chronic fatigue, you may have imbalances in your gut. A study showed that people who experienced fatigue suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition affecting nearly 70 million Americans.


An unhealthy gut can be the reason why you find it hard to sleep. The majority of the body’s serotonin, which affects mood and sleep, is produced in the gut. An unhealthy gut consists of an overgrowth of bacteria or an inflammation in the gut, which affects your sleep as well. 

Food cravings

Eating sugary foods can result in the growth of bad bacteria in the gut. These bad bacteria feed on sugar and can cause extreme sugar cravings. High amounts of sugar, especially high fructose, can cause inflammation and put you at risk of other diseases.

Skin irritations

Your skin reflects your gut health. Excess bad bacteria in your gut throws off your body’s pH levels, resulting in skin issues like eczema, acne, and psoriasis.


Studies suggest that people with regular headaches are more likely to have gastrointestinal diseases as a root cause. An unhealthy gut may suffer inflammation, which results in dehydration and is a direct cause of headaches.

Best foods for better gut health

Your gut is full of microbes that favorably or unfavorably influence your gut health. Some of them were passed to you through your mother at birth, but a majority of them come from what you eat.

Here are some foods that can give you a more flourishing guy health:

Eat more plants

Dr Tamara Freuman, a nutritionist who specializes in digestive disorders, confirms that a diet rich in plant fiber can influence microbiome diversity in the gut. Plants are rich in fiber, a good source of good bacteria. Fermentable fibers are more advantageous as they support the growth of gut microbiomes while reducing unfavourable bacteria and reversing diabetic symptoms. Such fibers can be found in oats, beans, cashews, and yams.

Unsaturated fats

Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats not only improves your heart health but your gut health as well. Unsaturated fats protect your gut from microbes that cause insulin resistance. Steaks high in saturated fats contain a compound called endotoxin, which causes inflammation and damages insulin receptors. Trade foods high in saturated fats like beef, lamb, pork, cheese, and butter with unsaturated fat sources like nuts, olives, avocados, and seeds.


Nuts are rich in fiber and unsaturated fats and can prevent diseases with a special substance called polyphenols. These polyphenols also feed gut bacteria in the large intestine. In a 2018 study, it was discovered that people who ate up to 1½ounces of walnuts per day for eight weeks increased the number of good gut bacteria. These bacteria also produce byproducts like butyrate, which nourishes the large intestine and helps it fight off diseases. Butyrate is also capable of fighting off colon cancer.

Low-fructose fruits

If you’re prone to bloating or gas, consider reducing your fructose intake or fruit sugar. This form of sugar is present in apples, pears, and mangoes. Fruits like berries, bananas, and some citrus fruits have low fructose and are less likely to produce gas. Bananas are rich in fiber and contain inulin, a substance that stimulates the growth of good bacteria. 



Does probiotics reduce diabetes?

Probiotics may help reduce blood sugar and even improve gut health. However, you should consult your doctor before taking them, especially if you are already taking medication for diabetes.

What supplements help diabetes? 

Vitamin D, chromium, magnesium, berberine, and even Cinnamon supplements can help lower blood sugar and improve diabetic conditions.

Wrapping up

Gut health can directly affect diabetic conditions, and patients can alleviate their symptoms by making diet changes. Diets rich in fiber, unsaturated fats, and low fructose are better ways of managing diabetes and even putting you on the path to recovery. 

If you notice any signs of an unhealthy gut, especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, speak to a medical professional and take steps to restore your good gut bacteria.

Sell Extra Diabetic Test Strips For Cash!

Got extra diabetic test strips you don’t need anymore? You can sell them for cash to get the supplies you need! If you recently switched to a new glucose meter, you can sell your old test strips and get them to people who need them the most, while making a little extra money on the side.

We do local pickups if you are in the Tampa Bay area. Just call or text us at (727) 204-0478  and we will send you a quote immediately, pick up the strips and pay you cash upfront!

If you are not in Tampa, we also accept nationwide shipping! You can ship your unused diabetic test strips and diabetic supplies to us from anywhere in the United States. Visit our Ship Your Strips page to begin the shipping process. You will receive payment within 24 hours upon receipt of the test strips, and it is processed via PayPal, CashApp, Zelle, or check. 

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